
Aata Dal Scheme

Date : 05/08/2015 - 07/11/2019 | Sector: only to SC or BC Category holding blue card
  1. .No. of beneficiaries 1.42 crores.
  2. Eldest Woman will be the family head.
  3. Wheat will be given at Rs. 2/- per KG.
  4. The Biannual entitlement of wheat will be given at one go.
  5. The distribution will be done at the doorstep of the beneficiary directly by the department.
  6. The beneficiary gets to keep the wheat bags in which he gets the grains.
  7. The beneficiary can go to the consumer court, if he does not get wheat as per his entitlement.
  8. Wheat will be delivered in 30 kg standard packing.
  9. The department officials, the beneficiary, the transporter, the village panchayat, the nigraan committee – all will work in coordination for disbusement of wheat.
  10. No upper cap. Every member gets five kg wheat per month.


SC/BC People holding blue card


Provide 30 Kg Wheat to per Person at 2Rs.